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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

My Choice of Career

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts." Isaiah 55:8-9

When I was 9, I loved my pets and all animals in general. I wanted to be a veterinarian, so I could help animal-kind. As I grew, I realized that included snakes and the sort. When I was a teenager, I wanted to help people. I was fascinated with doctor and hospital shows. I liked learning about medicine and medical procedures. I wanted to be a nurse. I was a nursing major as a college freshman. I later changed my major to education. There was no life changing experience to go with the change of major, just the change. I am glad I am an educator. I was afraid teaching would be dull and mundane. There has been no dull or mundane days for me in my profession. 

I am glad God was guiding me and allowing me to make mistakes with his protection.  He is such a gracious God.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

9 Tips to Improve Your Math Skills

1.  Be active.  Math takes practice.  You learn math by doing. 
2.  Math builds on itself.  For example, you must know addition to learn multiplication.
3.  Take time outside of class to practice what you learned in class.  You can use your math textbook to practice.
4.  Show your work.  This helps you find your mistakes and it reinforces the process of how to solve the problem.
5.  Make the problem meaningful by drawing and creating tables. 
6.  Identify the question in a word problem, then  pick out the key information you need to solve the problem. 
7.  Try to explain the problem in your own words and talk yourself through it.
8.  Start studying early.  Practice math problems days before the test.
9.  Use your textbook, teacher, and internet resources to assist you. 

Helpful Math Websites:

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

ACT Math Strategies

1. Answer what you know first. All questions are worth the same, so don't waste time on material you have not learned.

2. Underline important information in the questions and read the questions two or three times.

3. Look over the answer choices before solving the problem. The answer choices will often help guide you in how to set up the problem.

4. Be sure to answer the question. Sometimes you will be given a lot of information to solve a simple one step problem. Circle the question to help you stay focused on the question.

5. Guess and check. Use the guess and check method you learned in elementary school. Sometimes you may be able to find your answer by plugging in the answer choices.

6. Guess if you don't know the answer. There is no penality for wrong answers. Don't leave any answer blank.

7. Draw pictures to find your answer. This helps expeciallly when solving geometry problems.

8. Figures are not always drawn to scale. Use the information given in the question to determine the actual size of the objects.

9. Mark the questions you skip, so you won't forget to go back to them.

10. Show your work. You may get an answer that is not one of the answer choices. That is when you can go back and look at your work to find your mistake.

11. Carefully read all instructions.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Socialized Schools

     I work for a virtual charter school as a special education teacher during the day and I tutor after school and in the evenings.  My husband works with home school and virtual school students during the day.  He assist them with their course work as well as teach courses as needed.  Many times students who attend a virtual school or home school are asked, "How do you make friends?" "What about the prom?"  "How do you socialize?"  Here is a shocker, school is not for socialization. Friends and socialization are a by product of school. The purpose of school is to receive an education. It is nice to make friends and socialize along the way, but a child can learn social skills at home.  Most children are involved in activities outside of school, including church, sports, civic organizations, etc.
     Think for a moment the reason you go to work.  Do you go to work to make friends?  Did you choose your career because you thought it would be the quickest and best way for you to increase the number of friends you have on facebook?  Most of us choose our careers and go to our jobs out of necessity.  Many of us may enjoy working and want to continue working.  The main purpose of a job for most people is to make money to pay bills.  We also use our money for entertainment.  I have never paid my employer for letting me work.  I work and my employer gives me a pay check.  The purpose of school is to prepare people for the world of work and create productive citizens.
     Some believe school should be enjoyable and create well rounded individuals.  Others believe school is just another requirement like paying taxes.  While others believe academics should be the main focus of an educational institution.  There are many views on how to educate, but the purpose of education and school should not be as broad.  The purpose of a school is to educate people.  School and education is what you choose to put into it.  If you want a school to improve your child's social skills and character then put him in a school that has a good character education program, but please do not complain about his math skills if your priority is for him to have a good time in school. 
     Our education system is a direct reflection of our values.  If you value something you will take care of it.  We need to take care of our education system and value education if we want the system to improve.  It is what we make it.  You make the choice of what type of education you would like for your child to receive and be an advocate for your child's educational needs.  Let your local school board and representatives know your values on education.  Talk to your friends.  Find the right school for your child.  Many states now have school choice in form of charter schools and some have a voucher system.  Most of all, let your child know the value of a good education. 

Becky Matthews, M.Ed.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

One on One Hybrid Academy

The hybrid schooling model is a combination of home-based schooling and brick-and-mortar schooling. Students at One on One Hybrid Academy can be either enrolled in a full time virtual school program or registered home school students. We provide learning coaches to students enrolled in any virtual school program and assistance for families who home school.

One on One Hybrid Academy offers families academic planning assistance, curriculum guidance, and various academic classes through out the school year. A student may choose to attend the hybrid school for our full week program, a few classes, or even a few days out of the week. We provide parents access to our education experts and students the opportunity to work in coopertive groups.

For more information contact us at 803-547-3225.

We have open enrollment.

Meet and Greet State House Rep. Deborah Long

Come meet South Carolina's District 45 State House Rep. Deborah Long.
Wednesday, October 20 · 5:00pm - 6:00pm

One on One Learning Center, Inc.

7580 Charlotte Hwy., Suites 1100 and 1200
Fort Mill, SC
Please take advantage of this opportunity to talk with your representative about the issues that matter most to you and your family.
Deborah believes there is no one size fits all successful education program.  The kids educational needs are paromount for a successful future for each child and our nation.